Stubby Button
Wednesday 4 September 2013 • 03:22 • 0 comments

Oh yes, so exams are finally over! Say hello to weeks of endless sleep, food and series of Big Bang Theory. So yes, I'm blogging about my time at MBS if you can't already tell. The room was complimentary so YAYYYYY, FREE ROOM. I had to give up 2 days of studying to go for this stay-cation. But boy was it worth it. 

We went out for breakfast at the wet market first, which I clearly did not consider since I was going to be wearing a bikini afterwards. But honestly, it wouldn't have stopped me from gobbling down that plate of carrot cake. Headed home, showered and waited for Amelia to come over. Packed our stuff and off we went!

P.S pardon the quality of certain pictures. I didn't want to bring my DSLR anywhere near the pool.

Checked in.
Might I add, the view was amazing! And the room too. WOOOOO.
The picture below showed my literal expression when I saw the room. I just have a thing for fresh and clean hotel rooms. 

After we settled down, we whipped up some cup noodles because when you're staying at any hotel, the mandatory thing to do is to spam chips and cup noodles. ESPECIALLY CUP NOODLES.
Am I alone on this one? Honestly I don't care how much the "sodium infused" noodles make me bloat because no one is gonna look at my body anyway.

After all the cam-whoring, we went down for a walk.
Bought TWG macaroons to indulge in as if the cup noodles and MSG ain't bad enough.
They weren't as pricey as I thought they wont be but after eating them, I know why.
Honestly they weren't crispy at all and the flavours just didn't taste good.
The weird part was that the one that looks the most unappetising, was the best.
Black Napoleon Carmel.

After snacking on the macaroons, we finally changed into our swimsuits and went up to the infinity pool. The view was spectacular. Although there were a lot of people there and there were a group of Thai models posing for the camera and stuff. Honestly I suspect they're transsexuals.

Step 1: Get yourself a hot pink band.
(Because only 4 guests were allowed up per room)

Step 2: Grab some towels.
(By the way I just learnt how guys wrap their towels around their waist,
and keeping it there. Fascinating)

Step 3: Take artistic shots as if you're some professional model/photographer.

Step 4: Cam-whore the shit out of the place.

Step 5: Take a group shot with horrible lighting with a self timer camera.

Pardon me if I look naked in the picture below. HAHAHA!

Step 6: SOLO SHOT.

Step 7: Take GAY-STEP-MODEL shots with wet leg hair.

Step 8: End off the day with BKT for dinner.

Day 2: Wake up early (to the best of your ability) and repeat steps 1-8 as best as you can.
Unfortunately my sister and I were the only 2 survivors.
I KID. My cousins and Amelia went home the night before and my brother went clubbing so he was snoring the morning away while we had some sister love alone time while soaking up the sun.

MBS although it's pretty restrictive when it comes to the entry for the pool, it is really amazing.
You really do feel like a tourist when you're there although you're not. But I understand the whole "limiting guests to 4 pool passes only' thing. Although it was limited, the amount of people there was still crazy. 

Enjoy the pictures guys, and the only reason why I look so much skinnier on the second day is because I didnt have anything for breakfast before the swim. Thus, the much flatter stomach.

I can't wait to blog about my Batam trip, Oktoberfest, my Brother's farewell BBQ, my birthday buffet at ____________, my Vietnam trip and so much more.
So stay tuned yeah? Xoxo.


 photo T29hzFXapaXXXXXXXX_285862937_zpscf8c2b68.jpg
Emilia, 18, Temasek Poly


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