Stubby Button
Saturday 17 August 2013 • 19:44 • 0 comments

So my main examinations are around the corner and I am stressing out over my head!
Guess why. Because I know shit about my subjects when my classmates are straight A students.
Why am I not hardworking & smart like them. I'm such a lazy ass. 

So it's our study break now,
basically means one week of no school and expected individual studying but in reality, it's 80% of sleep/eating/nua-ing/watching series/breathing and 20% of actual studying. 
But no matter, I'll just try my best because honestly that's the only thing I can do. 

So this post is basically pictures of Amelia and me studying at CPF Mac with Andrew yesterday. We only studied for like 3 hours in total? They wanted to watch The Conjuring but thank goodness we missed the time slot. I have sworn off horror movies after Drag Me To Hell. Don't get me wrong, I love watching horror movies, but it's the after effect of the months of trauma that I absolutely HATE.

So in the end we kind of just walked around after dinner and I saw a Justin Bieber perfume on sale.
Not that I'm a huge JB fan or anything but the perfume sells AMAZING! I love it!
But even after discount it's expensive. 50ml for $39 :(
So in the end I found another sweet smelling perfume for like $12 only!
I doubt the smell lasts, but I guess I'll just keep it in my bag so I can spray it throughout the day.

After which we decided to head over to Amelia's place just for fun. So we ended up playing with make up. Might I add, the results were not pretty. We did take pictures but I'm 100% sure Amelia will kill me if I post them here. Anyway, I asked her make a video of us doing each other's make up. It'll probably end up horrible but whatever, it's cool.

On a side note, check out Amelia's hair that I poof-ed for her.
Mind you, her hair is extremely thin, so I'm really proud of myself that I can pull off this hairstyle with her hair. Although the bow is a little act cute gay, the main point is the bun.
So lets all take a second to appreciate the bun.
Also, I didn't use a sock or donut to make her hair, just a rubber band and bobby pins.

Look at how cute Shimmer is! Although she is a biter, she doesn't have much teeth so her bites are harmless. I think every time I play with her I'm actually abusing her because I'm too used to big dogs and I tend to be very rough when it comes to small dogs. HAHAHA! (Poor Shimmer)

Is this watch nice or what? I picked it out with Amos since he was dying to get a watch to make himself look cooler more polished. So I decided to buy it for him as his birthday present. SUPER ADVANCED AS WELL. His birthday is not until December for goodness sake. But it's okay, at least I don't need to think about what to buy for him when his birthday comes around. 

So we were trying out the watches down at Fossil (Ion) and I saw this watch that looked really nice so I asked the sales person if Amos could try it on. When she went to get the watch, she took out gloves and all, so in my mind I was like.... "holy shit, this motherfucker is going to be some expensive shit"
And turns out it was, it was $1600+ and Amos wasn't even allow to wear it, we could only put it over his wrist to see how it looks over his wrist. 

We did contemplate on whether we should get the this design or another one that is black in colour. But we settled for this one although the black one is nicer, only because this one seems to suit him more, so yes fancy-fancy watch for him and nothing for me. HAHAHA!

Okay enough with the chit chat.
I'm off to study sleep my ass off.

 photo T29hzFXapaXXXXXXXX_285862937_zpscf8c2b68.jpg
Emilia, 18, Temasek Poly


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