Stubby Button
Friday 9 August 2013 • 01:07 • 0 comments

Hello everybody! So I'm taking a break from all the hardcore studying and since I'm done watching my Pokemon season one. I decided to update my blog on what I've been doing for the past week.
First up, I went to study at Changi City Point last week with Amelia and Andrew since I can't study at home for nuts.
Although I have no choice now since everyone is either studying at home or busy.
Anyway, Amelia will probably kill me if she saw that I posted the unglam picture of her.
So I'm sorry! Hahaha!

Forgot to mention that I'm really happy that I finally have a legit girlfriend in my clique.
I've been hanging out with 90% guys since 5 years ago. I guess I'm just not a very "female person" if that makes any sense at all. So thank you pinkypink96 for being there. Because during orientation,
I would have never thought that she would be my friend because she stuck with the girls. Hahaha!

Following up, are kind of just pictures of our school days.
Now that I have a close girlfriend, I have someone who I wont feel awkward take OOTDs with.
Plus she is an excellent photographer. Telling me how to stand all, although she's kinda fierce.

BUT whenever I'm helping her take her OOTDs, she's get shy as hell.
Which is something I totally do not understand. She looks good on camera but she keeps
saying that she looks weird. Or is she indirectly dissing my photography skills? HMMM.

I really like the OOTD below because it looks like I'm standing on a white canvas.
So now we found a secret place for her perfect OOTDs. 
Although the place is pretty public and everyone can see you when you're taking your picture.
But for a nice picture, I shall throw my face. Hahaha!

So the last 3 pictures are just kind of random. Nothing much really.
Went to try the new ramen @ Tampines 1's second floor. The one that took over NYDC. Their ramen was really good actually. The bone marrow soup base is really good! Although the garlic smell kind of stays in your mouth, it's definitely worth it! 

So my boyfriend finally embraced his feminine side and allowed me to give him a manicure.
Doesn't he look happy that he has pretty nails? HAHAHA!

Lastly, I woke up to my dad coming in asking me if I wanted to go out for breakfast.
Being the greedy pig that I am, I agreed. No shit.
Anyway, this wanton mee is awesome. I haven't had it in over a year because they moved
to another place to start the business. So yes that sums up my week.
Stay tuned guys, and Happy National Day!

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Emilia, 18, Temasek Poly


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