Stubby Button
Wednesday 5 December 2012 • 05:35 • 0 comments

Banana Hair Mask.

So have you ever had excessive fruits lying around your house? Mainly bananas.
Well today I tried this banana hair mask and it worked wonders.
Although it was a chore to wash out because of the banana chunks
but it was worth it in my opinion.

-1-3 ripe bananas
(I used 2 for my hair length)
-2 tablespoons of honey
-2 tablespoons of coconut oil/olive oil
-2 tablespoons of milk/yogurt 

(I guess the number of bananas you use will
determine the number of tablespoons you use for everything)

Place your bananas in a bowl.

And mash 'em up with a fork.
However I would recommend using a blender,
just because you want to minimise the number of banana lumps.
Makes washing the banana cocktail off your hair easier.

In no precise order,
add in the milk, honey and oil.
But I do suggest adding the oil before the honey
because the oil acts as a lubricant and allows the honey to
slide out easily.

Dampen your hair.

And apply the hair mask in sections.
Remember to wear something you don't mind getting
mashed up banana on.

After saturating you hair with the banana goodness,
bun it up with a rubber band 
and chill out for about 40 mins before washing it off.

You should end up with FABULOUS hair afterwards.
You might need a wide tooth comb to remove the
banana chunks out of your hair while you're shampoo-ing.

Now on a more personal note, I'm flying off to Aussie tomorrow!
Bought a luggage in my favourite colour,
I am obsessed over it.
And you can see my minion just chilling beside it.
I'm still packing my stuff, I am the "last minute" kind
and still guilty for it.
I'll be off for a week and I'll be back on the 14th.
Miss me? Xx

Oh, and here's a disclaimer.
I am not one of your pretty ass, make up savvy bloggers.
I am as average as average can be.
So please keep your "OMG she's so fugly" comments away.


 photo T29hzFXapaXXXXXXXX_285862937_zpscf8c2b68.jpg
Emilia, 18, Temasek Poly


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