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Friday 27 June 2014 • 12:20 • 0 comments

Hello everyone! So sorry for the lack of updates! My last full post was posted during my term test period so clearly I was extremely pre-occupied with my exams. After which I kinda just fell sick and rested at home for a couple of days and before I knew it, it was time to head to Batam with Britrawk.

Which was awesome by the way.
Anyway, so yes obviously this post is about my trip to Batam. Nothing "crazy" happened but it was SOOOOOOOO FUNNNN!!! 

Disclaimer: The quality of the pictures will vary as some 
was taken with Jon's camera and the others was taken with my phone.
And don't judge my flabby body.

Day 1:

Basically to get to Batam, we have to take a ferry. It was about a 1 hour ride? Thank goodness none of us got sea sick. It would not have been pretty. After getting off the ferry, we went going through immigration and we got detained because apparently we were making too much noise. But the guy who took our passports was a complete ass hole. He waited until it was our turn and he just took our passports and asked us to step aside with no other instructions and he went back to his seat to continue his dead end job. UMMMM, rude much? At least tell us what in the world is going on please, rude piece of shit. 

Anyway, after the whole commotion, we cabbed down to our hotel to check ourselves in but they told us that our room was not ready and we had to wait until 5pm. So in the mean time we went to the nearest shopping mall, Nagoya Hill to eat and shop after leaving all our baggage at the hotel. There was nothing much to shop actually. But we yum yum to our A&W lunch. We were all too hungry and plus the food came in batches so we didn't take a picture of the food. 

Yes, I am very happy with the LALA <3
(Ignore my forehead please, 
it was really hot and I had no choice but to pin my fringe up)

After lunch and a little shopping, we went to the hypermart to stock up on maggie mee, chips, chocolate, drinks and 30 cans of S$1.20 beer. Since everything there was so cheap, we kept filling up the trolley as if everything was free. HAHAHA!

We went back to the hotel to check in and put our groceries before heading back to Nagoya Hill to have dinner and get a massage after a long day. Might I say that the massage was extremely cheap? S$9 for 1 hr 15 mins and S$11 for 1hr 45mins. 

After getting our massage, Wenkai wanted to sing karaoke so we walked around to find a karaoke place but the nearest one was full and we had to wait 2 hours for a slot. So we walked around the area (which was kinda scary because it was late and dark everywhere) to find another place that has karaoke. Found one, which only charge for drinks and not for karaoke. So cheap, we sang for 3 hours and we only paid S$4 each.

Day 1 was honestly the most productive day out of all 4 days. Maybe because we were all very excited to try everything? 


Day 2:

The initial plan for day 2 was to cab down to the beach area and play water sports but we figured since we weren't able to book any of the resorts that offers water sports, it would be extremely costly for us to play water sports since we are not considered guests. Plus since we ended karaoke at 4am the night before, we all kind woke up late and missed the complementary breakfast because we were all too tired. 

By the time we were up and ready, it was already 3pm. We decided to have lunch in the hotel because the food looks really good. But alas, it wasn't. Such a disappointment. Anyway, after lunch we figured chilling by the pool would have been the closest option for us to at least experience a little of water on our skin so we kinda just chilled by the pool but suddenly this group of kids came and started splashing water everywhere and OMG it was SO DAMN ANNOYING. I'm not exactly a 'kids kinda person' and I actually find them annoying. (I know I sound damn mean but don't be hatin')

After soaking in the pool for 2 hours, we went to wash up and went to shop some more at a different area and we also walked through the "night market". There wasn't much to shop actually, they were all selling the same things with no variety at all so there was nothing much to shop. But for some reason we still manage to buy a lot of stuff. How we did it still amazes me. 

After walking around aimlessly for about an hour, we found a random KFC so we decided to go in for supper. And guess what, they have the old school mini playground for kids to play in on the second floor. OMG CHILDHOOD MUCH?

The food was so cheap and they had really cool stuff on the menu, like spaghetti, BBQ flavoured fries and soda floats. After supper we cabbed back to the hotel and did our face masks together before some of us went to sleep. But we have crazy people like Wenkai who chose to not sleep just to watch World Cup.


Day 3:

Basically a very nua day. We kind just woke up, got ready and went to BCS mall to shop some more and we even went to the arcade. Which is also a smoking area. EVERYWHERE IS A SMOKING AREA. Even the arcade where there are kids everywhere. WOW. 


After getting our massage, we went to a seafood restaurant to have dinner. Where we ordered 2 crabs, 1 sea bass with some other dishes for only S$15 per person which was super cheap! By this time I'm sure you guys all know that everything there is cheap because I sound like a broken record. The best part was that everything was very fresh because they catch the seafood from the tanks directly! Poor fish :( 


Day 4:


Tiffany, Mavis, Jon and myself managed to get out bed early to go for our complementary breakfast (which all of us missed for the past 3 days because we were all to lazy and tired to get out of bed). After breakfast Mavis and I went to Nagoya hill to get our nails done because it is at least half the price when you do gelish nails there so why not? After that we rushed back to the hotel to check out and went to the ferry to head for HOMEEEE!


So basically that concludes my post about my batam trip. All in all it was very chill and relaxing but it was also super fun! For 4 days 3 nights we only spent $170 for hotel and ferry tickets and each of us changed about $200 so the whole trip was really cheap actually. HAHAHA! Totally worth it. I was pretty bumped that Eberlyn couldn't join us because she was too sick and her mother didn't allow her to come even though everything was already paid for :(

I really look forward to more outings and dinners with Britrawk <3


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Emilia, 18, Temasek Poly


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